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पेज 13 |
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पेज 12 |
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पेज 14 |
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पेज 15 |
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पेज 16 |
Garth throws steel bench in the garden knocking down one
huge brute squirrel which has been blown up in to the size of a monster by magical power of thorblen’s ring of sycultra
while the other squirrel is tearing apart convict con flannerry, garth sprints
behind a running micky greer and entering the house hurriedly bolts the main
“garth.. did you see those
those horrible monsters tore apart poor con. he is dead!, how horrible!
Yes mickey I know
thank god you are alive
thorblen is watching from a window from first floor of the
A shocked disiere
comments –those monsters are fighting over the body of that poor man they killed.
Thorblen who is sadistically enjoying his handiwork and
gloats with satisfaction when disiere calls his act horrendous he calls her a
mere weakling being a woman ,while for
him it was an enjoyable adventure.
Garth tries to console a terribly upset greer who is
panicking and he wants to tell everbody what happened to con flannerry , garth
grips his shoulders and shakes him up to bring him out of his hysteria he tells
him that nobody is going to believe his fantastic tale and that he should rest
for the night and probably everything will be brought back to normalcy in the
morning. Garth and and mickey greer retire for the night and are unable to
sleep greer is curious about garth’s true identity he suspects that he is not a
gangster and could he be a government agent?
Meanwhile thorblen makes himself invisible and enters the
offices of the defence minister who is in conversation with a beuracrat
regarding the security of top secret missile base Kirby moore , he is worried
about the safety of the base and gives instructions and is informed by the beaurocrat
that missiles are not armed with nuclear war heads, thorblen is amused and he
says that the missiles will be armed and activated..thorblen is so amused at
the security concerns of the minister that he laughs out aloud . minister is
startled and asks beuracrat that did he say anything , beaurocrat denies hearing anything and when thorblen uses
his magical powers to enter the mind of the minister to find out the
details of Kirby moore missile base,
thorblen thinks-“now I need a missile specialist.. will this idiot be knowing
anybody? minister’s PA finding him clutching
his head asks him if he is allright?
Minister who is in agony asks him to call his official car to drop him home as
he has developed a terrible splitting headache, thorblen learns that max hafner
is their top nuclear and missile expert.
Thorblen gathers inteeligence while inside ministers’ head
and finds out the name and address of the top nuclear scientist and calls on
him [still invisible] while max hafner
technical advisor to the ministry of defence is relaxing at his residence in
the morning tending to rose bushes in
his garden,
Thorblen-- so this is
their top scientist , zukanor you will be cursing yourself if you set your eyes
on this moron..momentarily thorblen takes
control of max hefner’s mind who writhes in terrible agony thorblen comes out
of his mind having learnt the techinique of launching a missile. Ha ha [hethinks]
now that I know the missile technology whole world will burn like a tinder in
the sky!
Thorblen returns to his HQ [thinking]- I had laughed when I
had opened the flood gates of ishran but
now I will roar.
What are are we planning warren? Asks an escaped convict.
Thorblen will tell us , here he comes now.-says Johnny
Thorblen- friends you will make history tonight! You will
participate in destruction of earth!
Destroy the world? What does he mean asks an incredulous felon?
johny he sound like a weirdo [crazy] to me –says another.
He is wasting our time shouts another
“ kll him rejoins a third, thorblen sensing a mutiny on his
hand invokes his demonic powers-“ I want complete unquestioning obedience , without any doubts and objections, and to
make sure…
Repeat after me[thorblen using mysterious occult powers of
his ring of sycultra]---
“ we are thorblen’s sevants we are mere tools to fulfill all
his wishes, we will do his biddings we are obedient to him for life!”
Garth is resisting against the mind controlling effect being exerted by thorblen---
While other mob is repeating after thorblen—“we belong to
thorblen,we are his slaves, till death
Garth is fighting a lone mental battle quietly-“he will
influence our minds to turn us into mechanical zombies, have to fight against
it”…..have to fight have to fight!
Garth ‘s mind is reeling under tremendous pain when suddenly
the strange power holding them relents
Thorblen-“you men are mine.. for me to use as I please”..do
you understand me?
Mob chorus- we understand you!
Thorblen—listen to your master.. tonight we go to
underground missile launchinig station.
After taking over the site we will launch a missile at Asia,
Russia will investigate and retaliate… America will take revenge soon the earth
will burn like tinder … I am the lord of destruction.
Garth[thinks]-who will prevent him?
A dazed desiere goes
looking for her first lover Johny warren[thinking]—what
were those giant s squirrels real or nightmare?
Disiere-“johny I am afraid, yesterday night I saw…”
Johny-[in a zombie like trance]-don’t be afraid.. thorblen
is our master our life is in his hands
Diserie-oh god! You are also under his spell ..have you all
gone mad?
Garth[coming up from behind and holding diseire by shoulders
comfortinh her]-“all except one… me… I need your help”
Diserie[following garth]- I am afraid thorblen has done
something terrible to johny warren and others!
Garth-“ I will keep
an eye on thorblen here, can you take a
message to my friend outside?
Disiere-“I will try”
Garth- this is very important disiere ask thorblen that you
need new clothes , say anything but just get out !
Diseire is following garth’s instructions-
Thorblen “you want to go for shopping? At this hour?
Disiere—“dear I need to look at my best at all times
Thorblen- ok ..disiere take a car’’
Disiere- but.. I can’t drive..
Garth is listening behind closed doors..
Thorblen opening the bed room door finds garth outside the
door and asks him =”you here take my diserie out to city for shopping and come
back in two hours.”
Garth is escorting disiere out in a car-“ thank god he chose
me to take you out he thinks I am also his zombie”
Garth [dropping disiere at a shopping mall] I will come and
take you back in an hour
Disiere- I will not go back.. thorblen terrifies me”
Garth- disiere you have to come back ,if you don’t he
will be suspicious of me , and I think I
am the only one who can prevent him .
Disiere- ok then I think I will have to go back with you!
Garth goes to professor lumiere’s London house---
Proff-“you mean to say that thorblen is going to capture the missile base and
destroy our world? It is horrible- says an incredulous professor lumiere
He can do this professor he is unstoppable -says garth
Lumiere- then we will have to stop him!
There is only one solution to this ,listen carefully-says
His source of power is the ring of sycultra , and desiere has told me that in certain circumstances it’s power is lost.
Lumiere- we have to inform the Scotland yard.
Garth- who is going to believe this?
I know what I am going to do …I am going to the missile base
with thorblen and his gang , I have to
kill him between now and midnight.
He will use his occult powers to overcome the security
guards, warn the defence ministry , if they listen to you and heed your warning
well and good.
Garth picks up desirie-
Diserie- shopping will have to be done next week, what do
you think, will I be alive by that time?
Garth- it is the absolute truth truth that London will not survive ,only if
you don’tsurvive!
Professor lumiere calls an urgent meeting of top military
defence and police personnel
General-“ a man with amagic ring? A gang of zombie bandits?
What rubbish!
Lumiere-“ it is all very true general!”
Police chief- professor we have to admit that some very
strange things have happened but your story is entirely baseless and unbelievable.
Professor lumiere-“ thorblen was also responsible for the
jail break!”
Defence minister is called to listen to professor lumiere’s
incredible story-
Professor- mr. minister I implore you to shut down and
hide the Kirby moore missile base!
Chief of Scotland yard- I think professor lumiere has lost
his mind he is tired and he is at his wit’s end!
“he is gone mad”
Hold it! Kirby moore missile base is secet . how did he come
to know about it? This is espionage!- interjects a defence service mandarin
A furious defense minister confronts professor lumiere-
Who told you about Kirby moore?
Professor- thorblen has told garth!
Defence minister-To which enemy country does this spy
thorblen belongs?
Lumiere-“ Mr. minister I have already told you thorblen was
found in a box recovered from north Atlantic he was sleeping for 5 million years!
“What a ridiculous thing to say “–comments one official
Defence minister is raging-“stop telling lies! Don’t you
know that we have a grave situation here?
Garth returns to thorblen’s hideout with diserie he is told
by johny warren that thorblen is waiting for him and that he will address them
all in the common hall.
Thorblen’s magic ring projects the image of Kirby moore
base-“ Kirby moore! It is certain that none of you morons will survive tonight
but that is immaterial!”
Thorblen elaborates his details for Kirby moore –“ one group
will capture missile base and the second group will set up
and activate the atomic weapons “
Garth how will we activate them thorblen?
Thorblen- through me! My mind will guide your fingers
Briefing is over-
Thorblen -garth you stay back , rest of you can go!
Garth [thinking]
“does he suspect me? , I will have to hide my thoughts from
him I will behave like a lunatic!”
Thorblen –I think that you are betrying me garth!
Garth – how can I deceive you thorblen?
Thorblen –I have made
you and others my faithful servants till death!
Garth- try me
Thorblen- you are stronger than others , maybe you have
resisted mind control , to be sure I will now enter your mind !
If you have betrayed me I will destroy your mind completely
and you will become a drooling idiot!
Thorblen makes himself in visible and enters garth’s mind
and the battle of willpower begins.
Tell me garth are you my slave ? You don’t have any
thoughts of rebellion? Tell me the truth!
“I am your slave!” garth manages to deceive with difficulty…
Thorblen is still speaking inside garth’s mind giving him
tough time-- tell me the truth garth for
whom are you working? Tell me the truth or you will lose your mind!
Garth stumbles to ground “you are my master! I work only for
Thorblen comes out of garth’s mind—
Garth –“are you satisfied now thorblen?”
Thorblen- one last proof of your obedience I will put you to
a test , come this side..
Look there! Thorblen asks garth to look out of the window-“a
small cat .. looking out hunting it’s prey for a kill! Now look again!
Thorblen uses his mysterious magical powers and the harmless
kitten turns in to a huge stalking cheetah..
Ha ha! A blood thirsty killer! Now go and kill him thorbleen
orders garth.
Whatever you wish master! garth responds