
Sunday, February 24, 2013



The QUARK is in hot pursuit—
Eid- [running up the hill dragged by guy-]-Garth! Quickly use your dis integrator!
Garth- this thing only fires a bullet we have not yet made a dis integrator!
Guy- oh my god! This is too bad!
Eid- really quarks don’t have any weak spots!
Garth –OK. ‘Stop encouraging’ me and run![y-260]
Garth fire three times but the quark keeps on coming at them-
Garth- eid is right even if it has a weak spot it is probably near it’s’ tail’
Eid- there[panting] I  said he needs a dis integrator!
Guy- and I think it will be the last ‘foolish’ thing you would ever say!
Ed-you mean we are going to be killed?
Guy- yes , in my opinion there is little chance that we can escape this alive!it is of no use to be angry at you![y261]
Guy- garth is running but I don’t think he can beat the quark.
Guy- eid !you run away I am going to help out Garth!
Eid- you will leave me alone?
Guy- listen! If I get killed I will be killed like a man from this time period like run![y-262]
Eid- don’t try to be a hero!
Guy- don’t argue just run!
Or else help me ,if we survive we will enjoy for whole life time!
May god help us eid!
Eid[thinking]- he is a completely changed man![y263]
Guy- garth I could not leave you alone!
Garth – you did well, now help me up this rock!
Garth pulls up guy [hanging on to the rifle barrel] after he scrambles up the rock –‘come on up’
Guy- quark will be able to climb even up here!
Garth- I will not be surprised, bullets could not hold him let us see what this rock will be able to do?[y-264]
Eid watches helplessly from atop the cliff as Garth and guy put their backs against a huge rock in order to roll it down over the top of pursuing quark—‘what are they trying to do?’eid thinks- quark is about to reach them!
Guy[struggling with his back against the roc]-no! it is hopeless we will not be able to push this on the top of him!
Garth-pushing at the huge with his legs, back against the mountain side-push harder! I think we can roll it on to him![y-265]
Huge rock starts rolling off the cliff edge and falls right on the top of pursuing quark!
Eid watches amazed –‘they have worked a miracle’ [-266]
Garth- where is that demon creature!
Guy it is finished! We killed him!!
Guy- when quark is killed it reverts back in to it’s microbe form!
Garth- good so it does not leave any dirty remains behind!
Eid- guy you were marvelous!
Guy leave it , I do not relish excessive flattery!
Garth – we are in  for more trouble look![y-267]
Eid- who are they?
Garth- they must be aboriginal tribesmen who ran away out of fear for the quark , and after knowing of his death they have come back!
Tribesman[addressing Garth and presenting a stone club]- you are divine , you have killed that strange terrible animal, i am chief “ut”
Eid- aha! His behavior  is friendly!
Eid- addressing ‘ut’-greetings to chief ut!i am the leader of these hunters!
Ut- eh?y268]
Eidd- now listen to me and obey!
Guy- eid do not try to order them!
Suddenly ut grabs eid’s hand roughly pushes her away- ‘go to the women folk , there will be talks between men!
Eid—garth guy tell them who I am!
Guy- sorry eid! Us men are talking amongst men only![y269]
Morning in the valley—
Garth- he says that most of the aboriginal tribes ran away scared of the quarks, there are six quarks all different from each other!
Guy- hum! And these quarks were seen a month before, so we have a month‘s time before they appear again!
Eid [amongst tribal women] - I will talk to my man!
‘no! ut will be angry and will beat you with his stick![y-270]
Ut hollers- women! Bring the food!
Guy[to eid when she hand him food]- thanks eid, did you spare something for yourself or not?
Eid-‘I hate you’
Garth [to ut]- our woman will stay with us ,she hold equal status with us ,by law!
Ut- ok! But you keep her with yourself and don’t let her talk; women’s talk gives me headache![y271]