
Thursday, December 13, 2012



The monstrous beast has wrecked the car of picnicking couple and has gone back to his lair in depths of waters in glenoig lake , after an hour a group of local villagers find the wreckage of the car—“the car has been wrecked twisted and torn badly”
“There is blood on the grass this must surely be the handiwork of monster”
Jane and Garth are in a car heading towards Lake Glenoig—
Jane- professor lumiere and I are  so busy yet you insist on taking me to see an imaginary monster”
Garth “if villagers are telling the truth Jane, we are about to witness a surprising thing”
Jane- :”dear garth what is the point in justifying the existence of a thing which is impossible to exist there”?
Garth – it will be a miracle…
Oh... There is police at the bank of lake
Garth –what has happened officer?
Policeman can’t really be sure sir , there is a broken down car without a driver!
Jane –“is this not a matter of calling a tow truck to move this wreckage?”
Garth- to tow this?
This is almost torn to shreds and there are continuous marks from here up to the lake
Jane –“there has to be a logical explanation for that wrecked car, blood stains and that trail up to the banks of lake”
Garth –“jane look over there down there by the water’s edge!”
There is a huge paw mark on the water’s edge!
Jane-“no living animal is known to leave such a foot print!”
Garth- come Jane let us move before press photographers arrive on the scene.
Garth and Jane are going round the lake glenoig in their car…”everything seems so peaceful! You know what I don’t really think that there is a monster in that lake”
Garth- probably people in that house may have seen something”
And fate brings Garth and Jane to the hunting lodge where two of the eddy’s gang are watching them from first floor window-------
Nick- “ duchy  a “bird” and  a big man are headed this way”
Duchy- you are drunk .. remember what eddy sid—quietly send any wanderers  on their way
Nick-oh duchy …but the bird is  so pretty.. iif only we get to talk to her… we have not seen any ‘bird’ in a very long time…
Duchie addressing garth and professor mery whether---“this is a private property”
Garth- we know , we just stoppedby to get some information
Nick-“you herd him now  scoot… broad can stay”
Garth and jane are astonished , an enraged garth lunges and hits nick with a powerful punch of his fist…”forgotten even the normal curtsies ?”
As soon as a drunk nickie is knocked down to the ground, duchy comes forward to fight but he is hit in his solar plexus by jane hitting out with her outstretched right leg to duchy’s midriff.
Garth—thanks for your help.
Jane-after spending two years on an American campus a girl knows how to defend herself.
…….why did they pounce on us?
Garth—probably they were inebriated ,that combined with your good looks did it… come let us walk round the lake a little bit more.
Jane-- what are these two city goons doing cooped up in this wooded hilly area. And no funny answers please.
Garth – jane wait a minute!
Jane –what did you find?
Garth lying prone on his back near water’s edge  spots a  cargo van  sunk I in to the waters of lake glenoig –“a cargo van down there in the waters and from the looks of it it has not been there for a very long time”
… a van in deep waters, two tough goons in the hills it is all so curious…. Come Jane we will come back at night.
“I will bring some equipment from Glasgow for scuba diving to reach that vehicle in the water.
Jane- bring some for me too I have also done a lot of scuba diving during my stint at California
Garth , is there something which you cannot do?
LINDON- newspaper hawkers are selling evening
newspaper in the hills of Scotland .”—reaad all about it in fresh evening news!
One of eddy macmanas ‘s boys buys the newspaper and after going through the news item hurried off to tell his boss eddy who is having a good time with  a female company.—“eddy! soldiers and press reports are reaching the spot where we have buried our gold!”
It says here there is a monster in the Glenoig Lake…nonsense!
What will happen to our god hidden in the lake eddy?
Eddy- there is no telephone at the hunting lodge, and  I cannot  send them any telegrams tonight we will go there…
 It is midnight Garth and Jane arrive on banks of lake glenoig attired in scuba diving suits….
Garths—are you afraid that we will find a monster in the lake?
Jane- not as a scientist, but as a woman……
Here is the motor vehicle, it seems quite new ,number plate seems to be scratched thinks garth as he and  jane are examining sunken van at the bottom of lake…
They come out to the surface—
Jane- what do we do now?
Garth – I made some enquiries in the village, that hunting lodge over there is rented out to some Londoners
Jane you stay here, I will investigate the boat house, and if I find anything I will give you a signal!
In the boat house –there is an iron cable tied to the docks… I wonder what is at the other end of the cable
60 feet down---eh? an iron box probably it has something in common with sunken motor van
Garth is lost in thoughts while examining the big iron box at the bottom of the lake when suddenly te gigantic beast floats above him eying him malevolently …
Suddenly garth looks up—“so that is the beast from 10 million years ago?
Oh it seems to have spotted me! And it is following me
As garth moves up and away the best who is pursuing him suddenly collides with thick iron cable snapping it in the process
In the boat house loud cracking noise of iron cable snapping is herd by two goons in the boat house….
What was that duchy?
It came from the boat house, nick pick up your gun!

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