
Saturday, December 1, 2012

the wakening---garth story in hindi[english translation]

  i am posting next 3 pages consisting of  11 strips of earlier posted hindi garth story -the wakening
इशरान  का शैतान ---

THORBLEN stands at the window watching the sky—“zukanor I don’t recognize anything everything has changed ..even the stars and planets somehow look different “
“Naturally you have been sleeping over last 5 million years”-says a gleeful zukanor’s ghost like apparition.
You destroyed the land of ishran  by flooding us.. do you remember the flood gates you had deliberately thrown open letting the sea water come in and sink our land.?
Bah! That was only a joke!
Well dear nephew ,now the joke is on you enjoy the taste  of your own joke , a brave new world awaits you.. I will now return ..good bye!-says zukanor and disappears..
GARTH and prof. lumiere reach the laboratory and find thorblen standing near the window …
“you are perhaps right! He is alive !” proff. Whispers..
Proff! Close the door softly and switch on the lights says garth
As the light comes on garth and thorblen stand staring at each other –“who are you?,where have you come from? We are friends... We are here to help you says garth.
Thorblen makes use of strange occult powers of the ring of sycultra on his finger and suddenly disappears !
He has vanished says an astonished proff .
“ not only that ,he reached the door passing right through me!-says a visibly shaken garth.
“you are right !he is not in this room ..says lumeire”
“that means he can become invisible whenever he likes ..says garth”
Coming out of the laboratory garth and lumeire are suddenly startled on hearing loud cackling mocking laughter of thorblen..
“do  you hear that professor ? It is astonishing” says garth
“maybe we have let loose a devil on our world!” says lumiere
On closely examining Thorblen’s box Garth and Proff find the scroll …
Can you read this script? Asks Garth.
No! I have never come across anything like this before! ..Answers Lumiere
Only one man could probably read this cryptologist Dr Flanders we shall meet him tomorrow –Lumiere tells Garth while they are speeding in their car on a dark London street by the side of river Thames.
“Tomorrow? Why not today? Asks garth
He must be asleep garth ..
Then we will wake him up says Garth ,earlier we know about this devil the better .
A few mile away thorblen is roaming around on dark London streets..
Thinking-“I have got to be careful..These people are 5 million years older than me they may be a race of super beings.
Page -5
A speeding taxi is about to crush an invisible man….
“is that launatic trying to kill me”thinks thorblen when  he sees a taxi rushing at him  not realizing that driver is unable to see him,he points his finger at the driver invoking the occult power of the ring of sycultra  resulting in the taxi rolling away uncontrollably.
Ha ! ha! This will teach him a lesson… comments a smirking thorblen.
Thorblen is at Trafalgar squire when he is spotted by  a police constable  .thorblen thinks” I should talk with some local person”
“are you in some kind of trouble sir? A PC questions thorblen…why are you roaming about dressed like this sir? Your name and address please?
“thorblen!...a resident of  ancient land of ishran.. a descendant, third in line of great meldon answers thorblen defiantly .
No sir you  did not understand what I am saying? Asks PC
Clearly   a primitive human being! Doesn’t understand anything, I will enter his mind and see…thinks thorblen.
Thorblen disappears and enters in to the mind of PC Higgins
Hey! Where did he go ? says a startled Higgins ..and suddenly he is seized with terrible headache “ what is happening inside my head? Why I keep on  repeating thorblen ,ishran zukanor again and again?
Within seconds thorblen analyzes PC higgins’s mind.
Thorblen comes out of the mind of a dazed policeman –“supermen!bah! these primitive people do not know anything ,they have no powers I am their lord and master –gloats thorblen.
I have found out by entering this man’s mind.. do you hear me zukanor new world’s people  are utter fools,mere animals and now I will use them in any way I like.exults thorblen.
There is no dearth of idiots like you exclaims thorblen calling pc Higgins a fool and suddenly disappears leaving a dazed and very shaken policeman behind.—“ I have seen terrible things, burning men, snow and fire ,talking dogs!
It is night and traflgar squire witnesses a strange spectacle of a fishing going on in a public fountain watched by a surprised police inspector and beat sergeant…
Sergeant what is going on here?
Sir he is constable Higgins , seems like a joke to me.
“sergeant I have caught a fish look how beautiful it is come let us fish together you too inspector! –says a confused pc Higgins.
“for god’s sake pull him out of there “ shouts the police inspector.
Later at the police station---“ sergeant I don’t understand anything he keeps on repeating” strange name thorblen” while PC Higgins is still muttering incoherently inspector tells sergeant to summom the police surgeon but for god’s sake not a word of all this should be leaked to anybody.
How is he doctor?—police ispestoe asks the surgeon examining p.c. Higgins
He is in shock …he has been under tremendous mental stress
Sir this is the last noting in the case diary of last night ‘s beat in p.c. higgins’s  notebook-only one word “thorblen”—sergeant tells he police inspector.
Sir he was repeating this name again and again when we brought him in last night-sergeant tells the inspector.
Then find out who is this thorblen  advice police surgeon as he prepares to leave.
Meanwhile professor lumiere and garth are discussing the secret script on the scroll found in thorblen ‘s box with cryptologist flanders.
“astonishing! Strange! This script seems to belong to as yet undiscovered lost ancient civilization-exclaims an astonished flanders the cryptologist.
Ok. Flinders but how to interpret this script?-asks the professor
Can we use a computer? Asks garth
Good suggestion! Says flanders I will use one of the computers at national laboratory
First we will arrange these things in an ordrly fashion and tomorrow we can feed this in to the computer..but first let us have some coffee it is going to be painstaking hard work –says flanders


  1. thanks ramesh.. I am looking forward to other pages too.

    1. i am making steady progress your scans of serb story have helped , can i put that along with my hindi scans where ever strips were missing?

  2. off course you can. is there anything else i can do to help you?


  3. Unfortunately no, Ramesh ... I have very limited Garth material. Your archive is richer than mine.
