
Saturday, February 16, 2013



Garth challenges vogal- “I have come here only on the condition that Electra will be freed”
Alzuth-vogal I  gave this promise to trick him in to coming here .
Vogal- and this fool believed you? Sardo see to it that the new race does not have this weakness!
Off to vaporization chamber with Electra!
Electra- you did this for me and were caught!
“not yet Electra Garth is eying a staircase running up to the top of the dome housing vogal,s brain![z-184]
Garth swiftly  bursts into action punching alzuth hard on chin with his left fist and gathering up sardo in  the crook of his left arm—“climb up that stairs electra,we are taking sardo along with us.
Sardo =fool! There is no escape now!
There is pandemonium in the senate hall-“master’s life is in danger!
Call the guards, stop that earth man!
On the top of the dome which has connections with vogal’s brain!
Sardo- you don’t stand a chance earth man!
Garth- least we could do is to try!sardo you are vogal’s bio-engineer, you must be knowing his secrets[z-185]
Vogal’s brain is immersed in to the nutrious fluid in this huge dome ---ok! So this liquid keeps his brain active! how is it controlled?
Sardo- if you cut it off with this valve vogal will die!
And the whole solar system comes to an end along with him!
Garth-says who? An eccentric scientist? Or a man whose brain is kept in tank? We shall see presently![z-185]
Vogal’s mind gradually becomes inactive deprived of its life sustaining nutritious fluid!
Vogal- help me help me! I am dying!
Alzuth- the master is falling!
Sardo- vogal will be dead in five minutes, I never really liked him he was always so serious and sullen, if only he had my “risor” element.
Garth-what is this risor element?
Sardo-risor is  laughter producing substance ,Electra has it a rare and powerful quality.
Garth- laughter! Can you use that on vogal?
Sardo- surely! we will have to put it in to the pipe containing liquid nourishing his brain.
Garth- then get it from your laboratory, we have now four minutes left.[z-186]
Vogal is dying we shall be ruined!- senator are seen helplessly crying while alzuth fumes-that cruel earth man has stopped the flow of vital nourishing fluid to his brain, guards follow me!
In the meantime sardo returns to the dome-“Garth I have put risor in to the pipe leading to his brain.
Garth- right! So now I will open the valve!
Alzuth climbs up the ladder on the dome top-“Garth now you are under arrest”
Electra- garth! Alzuth has come up![z-188]
Garth lunges at him while alzuth strikes him with a nerve prod.
“garth now I have you under my power!”
Garth falls unconscious while Electra tries to revive him-garth! Oh garth!!
In vogal’s revived brain risor is also  at work along with the  brain nourishing liquid.
AAHHAA  AAHAA…Laughs vogal loudly .while senators watch him horrified!
“has he gone mad?,what is happening here?
“vogal has lost his mind and intellect!?”[z-189]
Vogal has found laughter!
“why are you all sitting there so glum pulling such long faces? LAUGH! LAUGH ALOUD!! This is my order!
And garth comes to his senses –
Alzuth- what is that sound?
Garth –vogal is laughing, he has perhaps learnt to laugh!
Vogal --bring Garth and that traitor sardo to me along with the woman![z190]
Vogal confronts the tro- “sardo you did not obey me and tried to fool me!”
Sardo –[defiantly]-yes I did vogal!
·         Vogal- but there are other ways of seeking knowledge have learnt something here, let Electra go free, return Garth to earth!
·         Alzuth- but master what of your plan?
·         Vogal- I have changed it alzuth ,let the people of this planet build their own destinies they will somehow learn to live!—vogal is happy and full of laughter![z-191]
·         Electra bids farewell as Garth prepares to leave for earth in a space ship along with alzuth Electra pleads- “Garth! Take me too with you to the earth!”
·         Garth- not this time Electra you are needed here!
·         Alzuth- earthman you are needed here in Sagittarius why do you go that dirt heap earth?
·         Garth- alzuth it is my home!
·         Sardo- Electra I have made big plans I will create a race even superior than Garth!
·         Electra-“but I like original Garth better!”
·         END OF STORY


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