
Tuesday, January 7, 2014



rohan legend-
"we have searched the inn from top to bottom sir Clare,Tim canon and lady Catherine are nowhere to be found"
"pig!they were here only a moment ago!"
Clare rohan ready to depart turns to Garth -"Garfield !i will remember that you refused to give me assistance!"
"and i will try to  completely forget rohan!"-rejoins garth
canon comes out of his hiding place-"tim sir Garfield has saved you from capture, he had noticed the lady's gloves lying on the table" lady moll informs tim.
"thank you sir Garfield you have shown great courage!"-says Tim canon.
"hope you will oblige us by having dinner with us in my room"canon invites Garth.
"with pleasure tim!"
garth narrates strange tale of his time travel from 20th century

"an astonishing story Garth and i do believe you and if rohan is your foe we three have forged a special bond amongst ourselves"
"ever since i have kidnapped Catherine from the couch rohan is after me and now she is my wife"
"congratulations to you ,but  according to the legend there is a tragic end to your love story"- responds garth.
Garth- Tim why do you risk  your life being a bandit?
tim -"to rob those people who used legal trickery to grab my father's estate"
"rich bankers and lawyers who cross dover street are my victims"
"but i have never robbed any poor or honest folks!"i robbed only those blood suckers who suck the humanity dry"
"tim you will be hanged if you are captured and according to the legend you will be caught in the end!"
Catherine-tim i am frightened after listening to what sir Garfield has told us about the rohan legend, let us quit this street and escape to France.
"we will definitely go one day dear Catherine"
Tim- "i need some fresh powder thatcher! go and buy it from the market"tim asks his man servant.
"OK master!"says thatcher as he prepares to leave...
Garth-" who is this thatcher ?..Tim is he reliable?
Tim - he is my servant, he assists me in robbing the wagons, he knows that if i am captured ,he will also hang with me!

garth returns to his London home from Turks head inn --
"the same old london! and we think we have traffic problems in 1969"
in the meantime sir clare rohan is making schemes to catch the bandit tim canon
----"we have found a man named thacher who is canon's servants we can get information by bribing or torturing him"clare is being informed by his policemen
clare- very well! bring him over[here]
bo street police apprehends tim canon's man servant thatcher--
"take him with you to sir Clare's house!"
Clare- "thatcher pick your choice either help us in catching tim canon or face torture at the hands of police"
thatcher- give me 50 guineas more and i will tell you!
thatcher- canon plans to raid on old kent road tonight!
Clare- tell me the exact spot you runt!
thatcher- that i can not tell you but i will warn you when he returns back to turkshead inn.
Clare- we had raided the inn to catch that ruffian , but he seemed to vanish in thin air.
thatcher- will not happen this time sir clare if you cut off his hidden escape route and i will tell you how!
thacher agrres to betray his bandit master-"we have to catch tim canon along with that dog garfield...but tell me first...
that woman Catherine.... is cannon holding her by force against her will?
thatcher-no! sir clare! she is his wife! a lovely couple indeed!
she married him? damn the wretched girl !i will get her lashed for this! thatcher take your 50 guineas and inform us at the right time!
"sir Clare it seems  this time ultimately we would catch canon"Clare is talking to his policeman.

Clare-"he and that woman are of no consequence!",the person i really want to catch is sir John Garfield ,there is something between me and him which generates so much hatred in me towards him.
that night outside turkshead inn-Garth-" where are you off to this night Tim?"
Tim- old Kent road Garfield  fat cat rich merchants for jewellery on the night coach ,i will have big fish in the net.
Garth- be careful Tim!....[Garth warns Tim as he sets off on his horse]
canon- don't worry Garth ,i can look after myself!
Tim waves goodbye to Garth and Catherine as he ride off in to the night.
Garth- Catherine you should persuade Tim to quit  this risky business of robbery, rohan wants to hang him so badly!
Catherine-you too ,,Garth he wants to hang you too he hates you!
Garth - i am not a bandit!clare can not harm me!
Catherine you  are  forgetting something, you do not belong to our time, people like Clare wield enormous powers in our times.
on old Kent road-
"no bandit will be out on the road on such a night!says the guard on the coach
"you speak in haste.... look over there! respond the wagon driver.

Tim waving a gun- o!stop this wagon! throw away that peashooter!
"do what he says  i think he is..he is Tim canon ,the best sharpshooter on dover street!"
"now gentlemen by one throw your valuables,jewellery and moneybags to me!"
next morning canon returns  spied on by his servant thatcher-"Tim is back i should send message to sir rohan"thinks thatcher  as he hands over a letter to a street urchin -"here! boy if you  run fast and deliver this letter for me there is a shilling in it for you"
"i will deliver it Mr thatcher!"
thatcher greets his master tipping his hat.." good morning sir ,a good haul master canon?
canon - very good thatcher keep watch i am going inside to wake up my dear wife!

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